Study on the Real Estate Lifecycle e-Services

Study on the Real Estate Lifecycle e-Services

Illustration to the article "Study on the Real Estate Lifecycle e-Services"

During the summer months of 2018 the next sub-project within the analysis stage of the LIS Project will be launched, titled as "Background Study for Provision of Lifecycle E-Services".

The analysis will provide necessary understanding of the private sector user needs for realty lifecycle e-services based on life and business events of private and legal persons. As a result the most needed e-services will be mapped and designed, which would reduce the time spent on personal or corporate realty management.

One of the project outcomes will be a visual prototype of an easy-to-use and comfortable realty e-services portal, which will provide 10 of the most desired e-services in a user-centred and user-friendly manner, by a cross-agency handling procedure. The services will be provided jointly by the consortium of public institutions and the respective state registers such as the land register, the land cadaster, the register of buildings and others.

The public tender for the study will be conducted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the results are expected to be published by the end of the 2018.


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